Friday, July 9, 2010


Whassapenin guys?

Not much clearly, If your bored enough to read my blog. I haven't got much to say today other than link you to some other blogs of mine and my friends. But before that, Something must be shown.

Ok, so my friends and I were planning to go to Supanova next year. And now your all like "what a nerd", but I believe going to Supanova is a sign of bravery. Some of you are saying," yay, he's sticking with his beleifs" well, THAT'S NOT THE CASE. Supernova is freakin' dangerous! A fight between sailor moon and a Stormtrooper broke out in Sydney this year in which the Sailor moon cosplayer had their skull cracked by a Storm trooper helmet. LOL right, nerds can fight now?

But things like this are the real danger-

Something that hairy needs a cage

And this guys giant mono brow looks like its going to get up and crawl away by itself!

So see? Imagine a bully trying to survive in here, he'd probably drown in large, sweaty middle aged men. So now that you've been suitably disgusted, lets move on.

So now for the links

The smiley memorial is made by 'Ploo' with some help from me and features memorials for the deaths of smileys and terrible ball puns.
here's the link

And here's the link to my other blog-the pathetic life of Justin Bieber

see ya around

signing out,


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